Spoken Bride Vendors | Spotlight, Vol. 12

Are you recently engaged and ready to book your wedding vendors? Newly married or attending a wedding, and in search of gifts that affirm the vocation to marriage?

We are proud to serve you through the Spoken Bride Vendor Guide, the first online resource for distinctively Catholic wedding vendors: hand-selected professionals from around the U.S. with not only an abundance of talent, but a reverence and passion for the sacrament of marriage that brings a uniquely personal, prayerful dimension to their client experiences.

From photographers and videographers who understand how to capture the most significant moments of your nuptial Mass, to coordinators who understand the needs of Catholic couples, artists whose jewelry, stationery, and prints become enduring keepsakes long after your wedding day, clinical and theological experts in the fields of fertility and relationships, and beyond, Spoken Bride Vendors view their work as a call and find deep joy in putting their talents at the service of the Lord.

What’s more, our vendors are truly engaging and fun. With a range of stories, hobbies, and devotions, it’s our privilege to share who they are and connect them with their ideal clients--you, faithful Catholic couples who are energized by working with like-minded, prayerful individuals. Each month, we’ll be introducing, or re-introducing, you to members of Spoken Bride’s vendor community, and we encourage you to learn more through their full vendor listings.

Our Vendors for This Month:

Madeleine Deighan Photography

Charlottesville, VA | Serving Virginia, Maryland, Washington, D.C. and available for travel

Madeleine Zinman’s career as a wedding photographer started casually with family and friends before she began taking on additional clients. She is inspired by beauty and desires to contribute something beautiful back to the world through her profession. “The wedding day is compiled of  many simple moments and small details.  With every wedding, I take each of these pieces, weave it into a story, and then return it to the couple and their families to remind them of the blessings and love surrounding them on this day and throughout their lives.  I can only hope that the talents given to me by God somehow bring others close to Christ and His Truth.”

Favorite food: A buttery rich steak with a good glass of red wine.  But also chocolate and mochi ice cream.

Favorite saints and devotions: I always felt called to motherhood, even at a young age, so when I was confirmed at sixteen, I chose St. Gianna as my patron. I have my own little litany of saints who have helped me throughout my life and whose intersession I ask for frequently. My favorite prayers are the Memorare and the prayer to St. Michael.

Favorite memory of your wedding day: My home parish was run by the Fraternity of Saint Peter, so we were married in the Tridentine Rite, right at the beginning of the ceremony. As we returned to our chairs at the front to begin the Mass, I distinctly recall feeling a wave of peace  and deep love rush over me. I looked at the man who had just become my husband and felt so at home, so strong in our relationship, now united with God. "This feels so right and full of goodness, this is where I am supposed to be," were the words that came to my mind. I sincerely believe that it was the graces of the Sacrament that were immediately available for us to draw upon, and I am so grateful that I had such a tangible experience with them. And since that day over three years ago, I have never lost that sense of abundant grace that is always there for those harder times that I struggle to be kind, patient, or apologize for wrongdoing.

Learn more about Madeleine Deighan Photography


Made Myers-Cook Photography

Dallas, Texas | Serving Pensacola, Florida; Dallas, Texas; Los Angeles, California; United Kingdom, and available for travel worldwide 

Madi Myers-Cook describes her business as “adventurous love story.” On the one hand, she seek to capture the adventure and love of a couple’s story on their wedding day through beautiful photography. On the other hand, she embarks in her own adventurous love story as she receives the Lord’s promises for her life through her relationships and her business. “I love how the Father has already written our love story and we get to wake up to the wonder of it every day!... I want to capture people the way the Father sees every couple--redeemed, beautiful, whole and absolutely in LOVE with each other.”

Favorite saints: The Holy Family, Saint John Paul II, Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint Agnes… the list could go on… 

Favorite thing about working on weddings: I love the small moments between Bride and Groom- the belly laughs, the tickle fights, the goosebumps. My other favorite part is just being friends with my couples!!! The connection and trust that friendship brings to photography allows everyone to be their complete, messy, beautiful, fully alive selves!

Love means: I'm learning that love is, of course, willing to the good of the other. Even more, I'm learning love is an act freely chosen that encourages the other's freedom. Love destroys the ego, the pride, the boxes we try to put other people into and encourages the other's freedom. That's the journey I'm walking through right now. 

Learn more about Madi Myers-Cook Photography


Chari Films

Bronx, New York | Serving New York City, New Jersey, Connecticut 

Justo Diaz was raised in a Catholic home, but developed an intimate and personal relationship with Christ as a young adult. He prayed, a simple prayer: “how would you like for me to serve you, Jesus?” Through joyful memories and a spirit of courage, God called Justo to quit his fulltime job and pursue videography full-time.  His mission is to share the truth of the Catholic faith and to evangelize through his videos. “ My Catholic faith allows me to be vulnerable with my clients, my brothers and sisters in Christ, who are about to embark on a new journey together. It allows me to always begin and end our conversations with prayer, calling upon the Holy Spirit to remain with us as we discuss all of the plans for a given wedding. It helps us to remain in the same Spirit and allows for us to trust in the Spirit to guide every conversation with my clients.” 

Three things on your bucket list:

1. Do the "El Camino" pilgrimage in Spain.

2. Go to Jerusalem to visit the Holy Land.

3. Create a Christian featured film. 

My favorite thing about working on weddings: To witness to the devout Catholic couple who have chosen to come together to live for the Lord. It brings me much hope to witness new couples who desire to live out their faith together and begin their own domestic church with their new union. Being able to film the biggest decision of their lives vocationally speaking and provide them with a memory of their special day that they can forever cherish brings me much joy.

Favorite books, movies, and music: I love to read anything written by Dr. Scott Hahn. My favorite movies have to be anything involving superheroes from all the Marvel movies to the DC Universe superheroes. My favorite Christian band is United Pursuit & Shane and Shane. 


Learn more about Chari Films


Sarah Wirth Photography

Oregon | Serving Oregon, Arizona, and throughout the United States 

Sarah Wirth is a wife and mother who aspires to create and build authentic relationships through her photography business. With this in mind, she has an eye for the real and meaningful moments of the wedding day, “the moments which create the foundation of marriages.” She recalls a favorite photo from her own wedding day and hopes to capture similar moments for her couples. “It was a simple photo, but one that captured my favorite moment from the day: the unique time we had as a newlywed couple to ask the Blessed Mother to watch over our marriage and begin this new stage centered on faith.” 

Favorite part about working on weddings: Hands down the joy of the couple on their wedding day! It is contagious and inspiring to see a joyful couple just beginning their marriage, and  to witness the love and support of family and friends. I feel like each wedding I shoot I get to relive my own wedding day, and am reminded of our own vows and commitment we made to one another. 

Favorite place traveled: That's a really tough question, and so hard to choose...probably Florence because I spent several months there studying and it became a second home for me. But a close second would be Spain while walking the Camino! 

Favorite memory of your wedding day: My favorite memory from our wedding day was the few moments in our ceremony where we gave flowers and said a prayer before the Blessed Mother. My husband had  surprised me and written a prayer for us to read at that point in the mass, and it was so special to have the little time together to pray and be alone just a few minutes after saying our vows. We have that prayer framed in our living room now, and hope to continue praying it together as a family throughout the years! 

Learn more about Sarah Wirth Photography