Vendor Spotlight | Keara Anne Weddings

It could be argued that God’s mercy encompasses not only his bottomless forgiveness, but his particular will for each human person. His will--his every grace, plan, and intention for us--is a unique gift of love. A gift of providence specific to each of his children.

 It could be claimed, as well, that providence and timing are inseparable from vocation: the Father’s fingerprints cover each of us in his plans, and his path, for our sanctification and ultimate homecoming. The first time Keara Mooberry--a wife, mother, and former high school math teacher--dove into wedding coordination, she’d fallen in love with the process of creating a peaceful, intentional day for her own nuptials and, later, for her brother’s big day. Except she was working full-time while pregnant with her second child, her husband was about to go back to school, and they were making plans for a cross-country move from Phoenix to Philadelphia.

After settling into her new home in Pennsylvania, the Holy Spirit continued whispering to Keara’s heart for planning and service. Recognizing her gifts for calmness and foresight, an old friend reached out to Keara, asking her assistance in planning a Catholic wedding. Excited to work with her first non-family client, Keara and her friend began monthly meetings. It was a time of professional self-discovery, with Keara carving out a supporting role to the bride’s planning as she prepared to take over final responsibilities during the month of the wedding.

Above all, the experience was marked by creating a sense of peace. In this busy season of couples’ lives together, Keara understands the need to identify opportunities for calm during wedding planning, and strives to cultivate that calmness and peace with each of her clients.

Doing God’s will brings peace to the heart. As you journey to the altar, there is an abiding contentment and joyful anticipation at having found the one who will sanctify you for life. If, like Keara, your life’s work brings that same sensibility, it’s beautiful to glimpse the delight he takes in showing us our strengths, opening doors to put them at the service of his love. 

From Keara: Sometimes I think the role faith plays is easier to see after the fact. I can see now how God was telling me, not yet, Keara when we were still in Phoenix. I can see how he kept my desire for serving brides on my heart as I made other major life transitions. I can see how he reconnected me with my friend so I could support her in her wedding and marriage preparation journey. At the same time, my friend served me with the opportunity to get my hands wet in this joy-filled field.

Now, I feel encouraged working with brides, particularly Catholics who love working with a planner who shares their faith. It’s a benefit both for logistical reasons--like planning a timeline for the day around the wedding Mass--and for the purpose of working with a vendor who will be praying for them and supporting them in their discerned vocation.

I like to think of brides more as friends than clients. I love to walk next to them in a supportive role as they prepare for their wedding day and marriage. I also take a very logical/logistical approach to helping them manage their wedding details, because I believe that without a logical approach or good logistical planning, the beautiful details of a wedding can get muddled and overwhelming. My goal is to provide peaceful planning to brides and grooms and their families so that all they have to focus on is the joy and beauty of their wedding day.